her little chubby hands are folded…head is bowed…face all scrunched up tight…
as if trying to hold back the temptation of peeking.
because she does not want to miss one thing that she is thankful for.
Psalms 100:4,
“Enter with the password: “Thank you!”
Make yourselves at home,
talking praise.
Thank him.
Worship him.”
She searches all that is in front of her and then...
with a joyful heart she says "thank-you".
"Concentrate on counting your blessings and you'll have little time to count anything else."
- Woodrow Kroll
Psalms 100:5,
“For the Lord is good.
His unfailing love continues forever,
and his faithfulness continues to each generation.”
To be thankful is to be grateful for the kindness that has been received
and acknowledging the provider of that kindness and care.
My granddaughter knows who is the source of all good things...
Do you?
Caprice <><
Dear Father, Open my eyes so my heart and mind may see the kindness and care you have provided! Thank you…with eyes open for the goodness you have given. Amen
Here are a couple of links for continued reading.