while his parents got to spend some peaceful and restful time away.
It is always such a blessing to have family here…
Especially when the "family" is not even 2 years old.
I love the perspective that a toddler sheds on everyday events.
There is joy in what an adult may consider the
“everyday”, “Ho-Hum” and “mundane”.
Through the eyes of a child everything is new and worth exploring…
but most of all rejoicing about.
Psalm 104:1-3,
“I praise you,
Lord God,
with all my heart.
You are glorious and majestic,
dressed in royal robes and surrounded by light.
You spread out the sky like a tent,
and you built your home over the mighty ocean.
The clouds are your chariot with the wind as its wings.”
My Grandson and I were in my kitchen in the afternoon
when he discovered sunlight filtering in through the windows.
Then he started to grab the rays of sunlight with his chubby little fingers…
Echoing throughout the kitchen were squeals of joy and belly laughs
as he attempted to catch the light.
in the warm, glowing colors fancy spreads on objects not yet known,
when all is new and all is lovely!"
- Hannah More
Remember this Thanksgiving to take a good look around…
To see with eyes that look with anticipation…
To grab a hold of the gifts from God with a joyful heart…
Everyday is a miracle from Lord!
Have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving!
Dear Lord, Help me to recognize the miracles of everyday! And this Thanksgiving Holiday, may I remember to reach out and grab a hold of the “Son” and remember to bask in the warmth of His light!
With a very grateful heart, I praise and thank you for your love. Amen