When you resemble something it is usually because
You have “re-assembled” some idea, style, or way of life…
You take what you currently are made up of
and give it a re-adjustment.
Sometimes this is good and sometimes this is not so good.
Colossians 2:8,
“Be sure you are not led away by the teaching of those who
have nothing worth saying and
only plan to deceive you.
That teaching is not from Christ.
It is only human tradition and comes from
the powers that influence this world.”
Do you follow the trends?
Think of all the trends that are in the social media circles.
Here today and gone tomorrow.
To “follow” or “un-follow”…who or what is popular…
By a click of your mouse...
You become an advocate of whatever you choose…
Are you careful of what you support?
Or are you tossed about by what is the popular craze?
“Then we will no longer be little children,
tossed by the waves and blown around by
every wind of teaching,
by human cunning with cleverness
in the techniques of deceit. “
Are you being led, guided, or influenced by somebody or something?
Proverbs 13:20, “Become wise by walking with the wise;
hang out with fools and watch your life fall to pieces.” (MSG)
The other day my Grandson and I were hiking on the ranch.
We were up on a deer trail when he says,
“Be careful Grandma and watch where you step…
take one foot at a time when you walk”.
I smiled at him and told him thank you for helping me
to be careful about where I put my foot.
He is right…I need to be careful where I step
and take it one foot at a time!
my foot can land me in some
pretty awful stuff!
Take caution on where you go and whom it is that you follow.
Psalm 119:105, “Your word is a lamp to guide me
and a light for my path.” (GNT)
Be careful my friends…
Think twice before you get off course from the right path…
Hold on…stay the course…
Don’t loose sight of what is important…
Or better yet…remember…
The Father gave His Son…the one whose foot-steps
are worthy to follow
where they lead.
Psalm 1:1,
“God’s blessings follow you and
await you at every turn: when you don’t follow
the advice of those who delight in wicked schemes,
When you avoid sin’s highway,
when judgment and sarcasm beckon you,
but you refuse.”
"Few things are more infectious than a godly lifestyle.
The people you rub shoulders with everyday
need that kind of challenge.
Not prudish. Not preachy.
Just cracker jack clean living.
Just honest to goodness, bone - deep,
non-hypocritical integrity."
- Chuck Swindoll
Lord, Help me to take one step at a time trusting you to take and guide in the correct direction. And sometimes Father will you hold my hand? thank you for your care...Amen
Caprice <><
Part four of a the series based on the previous blog “Follow” 10/1/14