Maybe I missed the answer; if I asked God, he will be faithful to answer?...Right?” Hmmmm, but how long must I wait?
Lamentations 3:25, “The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him;” (NIV)
But Lord didn’t you hear my cries in the night? Did I miss something?
Well let me answer that for you…yes he did.
1 John 5:14, “We have courage in God's presence, because we are sure that he hears us if we ask him for anything that is according to his will.”(GNT)
Did you get that? According to HIS WILL, not mine. God’s will is for all that is good…sometimes mine gets off course…you know it becomes all about me.
Even in the storms of this world he hears your plea. When you, with an earnest heart, come humbly before him.
Psalm 66:18, “If I had been cozy with evil, the Lord would never have listened. But he most surely did listen, he came on the double when he heard my prayer. Blessed be God: he didn’t turn a deaf ear, he stayed with me, loyal in his love.” (MSG)
Okay, okay I am getting it our God is faithful. So…what about his answer did I miss?
Sometimes the answer comes in ways that are unexpected…not in the way we would answer or choose a way to solve our situation. You know what I mean; our answers are usually in a way that is comfortable and consoling. But…uh-oh here it comes…the “on the contrary”. In the answers to my “questioning heart” God’s way, is the best way, even when they do not make sense.
Sometimes the answers are not what we where looking for…they were unexpected. Maybe they even rumpled our brow a little or created a fear in our limited thinking.
Did you know that Jesus knows your heart and thoughts?
That he loves you?
1 John 4:16, “Also we have come to know and trust the love that God has for us. God is love; and those who remain in this love remain united with God, and God remains united with them.”(CJB)
And that he cares enough to do the unexpected.
Jesus after having fed the 5,000 who had come to hear him in the country, sent his disciples on ahead of him in a boat to the other side of the lake. Then he retreated to spend some private time in prayer. As the darkness of the night engulfed the lake, a storm stirred the waters into a frightening upheaval.
Matthew 14:24-27, “Meanwhile, the disciples were in trouble far away from land, for a strong wind had risen, and they were fighting heavy waves. About three o’clock in the morning Jesus came toward them, walking on the water. When the disciples saw him walking on the water, they were terrified. In their fear, they cried out, “It’s a ghost!”
But Jesus spoke to them at once. “Don’t be afraid,” he said. “Take courage. I am here!” (NLT)
So are you in a storm? Don’t get cozy with the evil one. Why not look to the unexpected answers…the answer that God knows is best…and trust that he is faithful and loves you very dearly.
Dear Lord, help us to keep away from the things that tempt us, into taking what appears to be the easy road. Instead help us to trust you in the storms and to recognize your answer. Amen