Working in the garden helping things to grow…over the years I have planted…
Some flowers for the eye
Vegetables to help me stay well nourished
And shade trees for a hot summer days that offer refreshment
I need to look deep into the soil at what is it that their roots are tapping into for nutrients…
Is the soil rich?
Well watered?
Is there plenty of sunshine?
But sometimes as I have said in the past things get neglected
So I need to take a step back and take a fresh look at things...
And seek the remedy for neglect
A good look and review of what works and..
What definitely does not
Life needs an overhaul every so often too!
Time goes by and we as people tend to skate on issues and attitudes in order just to get by.
Why because if “it ain’t broke…why fix it?”...such a laziness can settle into one’s heart and attitudes rather quickly
Well I am here to tell you that anything in life worth doing…is worth doing 100%
God is more interested in inward qualities than outward circumstances -
things like refining my faith,
humbling my heart,
cleaning up my thought life and
strengthening my character."
- Joni Eareckson Tada
We can sometimes overlook the simple as Christians...
forgetting to...
Love God and Love others
So lets look to what makes this work…
the following is adapted from "The Expositor's Bible Commentary"
Love = Sacrificial, unmerited deeds to help a person in need
Joy = an inner happiness not dependent on outward circumstances
Peace = Harmony in all relationships
Forbearance = putting up with others, even when one is severely tired
Kindness = Doing thoughtful deeds for others
Goodness = showing generosity to others
Faithfulness = trustworthiness and reliability
Gentleness = meekness and humility
Self-control = victory over sinful desires
Here is the great news about these attributes…they are provided for us as a gift from God.
Our Father in Heaven has given us the Holy Spirit who produces in us these characteristics!
The essence of these attributes is how we…
Love God and love others!
“God’s Spirit makes us loving, happy, peaceful, patient, kind, good, faithful, gentle, and self-controlled.
There is no law against behaving in any of these ways.
And because we belong to Christ Jesus, we have killed our selfish feelings and desires.
God’s Spirit has given us life, and so we should follow the Spirit.
But don’t be conceited or make others jealous by claiming to be better than they are.”
Lord help me to live my life by
remembering to use the tools for living a life of love for others and most of all
a 100% love for you!
Caprice <><