Without hesitation she said her husband.
A husband is to be the provider…loyal and true…
The one who cares for and protects his family.
Did you know that we are the bride of Christ?
That means that he cares for us as a
loving and devoted husband.
When I think of the faithful...I also think of devoted pastors…
they are the…trustworthy and reliable.
I was moved to tears yesterday as I read a letter from someone in prison…
not an American, air conditioned cell but a place where bones can get broken.
This letter came from a faithful prayer warrior who wants to care for us…
by praying for us.
Won’t you join the ranks of the Faithful Prayer Warriors?
America has had a bad case of “Regretful Neglect” let us join together and pray for revival!
This is a letter he wrote which was posted at the "ACJL" website
Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,
I have been made aware that the National Day of Prayer (May 7th) falls on my birthday this year! As an American and as a prisoner for Christ I have spent many hours praying and crying out to God for revival for this great nation. We all hope for the success of our nation and for America to be blessed, but without revival there can be no true success or blessing. As Ezra’s cried out to God in repentance and the Israelites joined him in weeping bitterly and turning from their sin, I would like to ask you to join me in repenting and praying for revival. Me from inside of these prison walls and you on the outside.
Ezra 10:1
“Now while Ezra was praying, and while he was confessing, weeping, and bowing down before the house of God, a very large assembly of men, women, and children gathered to him from Israel; for the people wept very bitterly.”
Ezra re-built the spiritual walls of Jerusalem while Nehemiah re-built the physical walls. Therefore, please join me in rebuilding the spiritual wall of our beloved country.
In times of need we see how much government and authorities can influence our everyday life, and when we see that their decisions do not match with our beliefs and standards, our initial reaction is to blame the leadership or the situations surrounding us for our hardships. But the truth is that change has to start with us, just as a wave has power to lead it's surfer so by revival we, as the people, can help or push our leaders to follow their callings.
Change starts with us. Revival starts with us. The first step to revival is praying together in unity as a nation. The National Day of Prayer is a great opportunity for us to come out and use the freedom that we have been given. So many Christians around the world are imprisoned and martyred for their faith in Jesus. You have the freedom to gather across the United States at your state capitol to pray. Please use this opportunity. Please use your freedom for the Kingdom of God.
We see in Ezra chapter 10 that despite the heavy rain and their shivering the people still gathered together. People should stand under any pressures to pray for their nation, for the Lord to bring revival, and to stand under the rain of the Holy Spirit to be filled by His manifestation.
Remember my chains in your freedom and chain together in unity for our beloved America. Know that I am chained with you in prayer on that day in seeking God for America.
There is no other way but to be crucified with Christ so that we may experience the power of His resurrection in our beloved country.
So much love to America,
Pastor Saeed