Psalm 24: 5-6, “God is at their side; with God’s help they make it. This, Jacob, is what happens to God-seekers, God-questers.” (MSG)
We drove for a little over an hour through the countryside still marred by the typhoon as we observed the two primary farming crops of this Island. The valley floor was blanketed with rice fields in a patch work of green; with different shades representing the cycles of the crop…some young tender shoots, others reaching towards the sun with new seed stems and others bent over heavy with heads of grain ready to harvest. The coco palms that weathered the storm are rather frazzled. Many are like wounded soldiers lying broken on the ground, snapped in two; although these will be put to use as they are gathered for lumber. Those still standing have half or more of their palm fronds missing or broken. Yet underneath the fronds are young green coconuts…the hope of a productive future.
Isaiah 43:1-28, “Israel, the Lord who created you says,
“Do not be afraid—I will save you. I have called you by name—you are mine.
When you pass through deep waters, I will be with you; your troubles will not overwhelm you. When you pass through fire, you will not be burned; the hard trials that come will not hurt you.
For I am the Lord your God, the holy God of Israel, who saves you… Do not be afraid—I am with you!” (GNT)
We bumped along the unpredictable road and main artery of this area that brings people back and forth to the port of Leyte. Some times the road is rock, other places are muddy with puddles and then all of a sudden you come upon a section of concrete for 80 yards or so.
Psalm 132:7, “Let us journey to His dwelling place; let us worship at His footstool. “(VOICE)
Small groupings of homes by the roadside are still in the process of recovery. Worn out from the storms of this life…lack of work, rice harvests good and bad, typhoons and poverty…but the evidence of the love of life is everywhere; flowers planted with care, children playing, laundry drying in the sunny tropical breezes and whose heart would not be warmed by the smiles and waves that greet us as we drive by. Although these homes may have had dirt floors, some with only tarps for a roof, they were well loved…the centers of family and community.
Exodus 15:2, “The Lord is my strength and my defense; he has become my salvation. He is my God, and I will praise him, my father’s God, and I will exalt him.” (NIV)
Nothing could of prepared me for the privilege of sweet worship that was just a welcome away.
Psalm 107:32, “Honor the Lord when you and your leaders meet to worship.” (CEV)
As we got out of the car the voices of children singing warmed my heart.
Psalm 149:1, “Hallelujah! Sing to God a brand-new song, praise him in the company of all who love him. (MSG)
No Journey is too long…
That the wings of the Lord can’t carry you there.
No thing is so broken or disaster so horrific that God can’t fix
No heartache too deep
That the touch of God’s hand can’t reach.
Won’t you trust him to be there for you?
Take the first step to get closer
Allow the mending to start
Enjoy the touch of His Love!
Caprice <><